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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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president. but, is he clearly not afraid to take this head on and use this as an opportunity to kind of both push his ideas around the justice system tout get him, which has been a narrative we have heard for the past several years and also an opportunity to just speak directly to the american people. >> bret: you got 10 seconds. >> i wanted to know what he bought at the bodega? lottery tickets? maybe a snack? it's that type of creative campaigning that i think will highlight the dual system of justice help trump with his voters and independents. >> bret: we'll see. we'll have you back. talk to israeli ambassador to the u.s. michael herzog. if you can't catch us live set your dvr 3:00 p.m. in the west 6:00 p.m. on the east coast. fair balanced and still unafraid. here's laura. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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my angle in moments. first, trump just spoke moments ago in new york city. >> it is a rigged deal. it's a rigged trial. our courts -- everything is screwed up in new york. there is no crime. do you know where the crime is in the bodegas where they come and rob them every week or more than that. >> laura: so far seven people were chosen today to sit on the jury in donald trump's sham hush money trial in new york city. for all the details, we're going to go live outside the courthouse where fox's nate foy is standing by with all the details. all right, what can you tell us, nate? >> well, laura, jury selection is going quicker than many expected. you mentioned seven jurors have been seated so far. that means five more are coming as well as six alternates. but, a contentious moment in court today between judge juan merchan and former president donald trump when the judge told trump and his lawyers "i won't tolerate that" this is a quote "i won't have any jurors intimidate ghd this courtroom." and that was in response to trump gesturing towards and muttering at a prospective juror
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as his lawyers were questioning her credibility. another big issue today is the d.a.'s office asking the court to hold trump in contempt for violating a gag order. that's at least their argument. and it relates to several social media posts that trump made about witnesses in the case, including michael cohen and stormy daniels. the judge will rule on any possible sanctions on that in a hearing next tuesday and trump spoke about judge merchan earlier today. listen to this. >> we have a judge who is. [cheers] >> absolutely out of place. he should not be allowed to do it. is he conflicted like nobody has ever been conflicted. >> nate: so that was just moments ago, laura. and he also posted on truth social talking about this same issue about the gag order, saying i want to speak at least be able to respond. he called the trial unconstitutional. he said "take off the gag order." this was after notably, laura,
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michael cohen appeared on cable news over the weekend talking about former president donald trump. so, perhaps, that is what he wants to respond to. but, first things first. this jury needs to be selected of the seven so far i can tell you four of them are men. three are win. women. 96 prospective jurors were sworn in at the end of court today. tomorrow is an off day, so they will come back on thursday and fill out the rest of this jury. but, right now, opening statements are set to begin on monday of next week. i mentioned things moving along a little bit quicker than we expected. it was supposed to take up to two weeks. if that timeline holds, it would only take one week. we will see if it does as court resumes on thursday morning at 9:30. >> laura: all right, nate, thanks so much. now, alvin bragg threatening to throw the former president in jail today over what he says is a violation of the gag order. so, bragg asked judge merchan to warn trump that any future violations can lead to
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additional fines and, yes, up to 30 days in jail. joining me now sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel, fox news contributor. mike davis former gorsuch law clerk and founder of the article iii project. mike, what would you say to trump if you were his lawyer in this situation? >> well, this is clearly an illegal unconstitutional gag order here. we have gag orders to protect criminal defendants who are going through the process. it is a limited time, place and manner restriction to protect criminal defendants and their constitutional rights and for these democrat prosecutors in these democrat judges to put a gag order on a criminal defendant is truly unpersonal, it is breathtaking. president trump, if there is anyone on the planet who must have the constitutional right to speak out about the judge, the prosecutor, the staff, the witnesses, the bias, it has to be a criminal defendant going through a criminal process. >> laura: now, sol, it seems to
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me that a lot of americans are -- they hear about jury selection and watch stuff on tv. they don't really know what happens during jury selection. at some point the president was unhappy with one of the jurors, perhaps one that was selected. but what are one of the permissible -- what are the permissible grounds and impermissible grounds for striking jurors? >> well, both sides have strikes for cause, which means that the potential juror they believe cannot be fair and impartial. and those are unlimited. and then each side was peremptory strikes, where you can strike them for any reason you want excepted for constitutionally improper reason like racial animus or religious animus or something like that. so that's what they are going through. they are questioning them individually after a big chunk of the jurors, before they even started potential jurors, before
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they even started individual questioning, self-identified as being unable to be fair and impartial. >> laura: all right. one dismissed juror joined msnbc today. glad that that juror was dismissed and talked about her experience. >> it was odd. it was such an interesting experience because i had never seen him in person before. you see someone blown up so larger than life on the media, to see them in person is very jarring. and you get the sense that it's like oh, this is just another guy and also he sees me talking about him, which is bizarre. >> laura: mike, do you think the attorneys are going to have a hard time with the jury that they're selecting? >> so let's see, we have the soros funded manhattan d.a. who campaigned on getting trump. we have biden's former number 3 in the biden justice department,
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matthew colangelo. we have this democrat judge who donated to biden and another anti-trump cause and his daughter is raising money off of this trial. and then you have a manhattan jury pool that's 85% against trump. so, yeah, i don't think trump is going to get a fair trial. >> laura: sol, when i'm thinking about how this is all going to go down, and the president goes out and speaks his mind about the fact that he believes he cannot get a fair trial, he is being threatened with jail time for that how judge merchan will handle this, we'll see, but, from some of his comments, it looks like is he not going to tolerate much of this. where is this ultimately, in your mind, going to end up? because it seems like the president is like daring them to hold him in contempt. >> well, one of the problems here is that there's some case law suggesting that even if a judicial order is
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unconstitutional, and i agree with mike, this gag order is clearly overbroad and violates the family. but there is some case law indicating that because it's a judicial order, you still can't violate it. so, i'm concerned about that. that could be -- that could be one of the things that gets litigated here. i think the other thing to look at is the fines, apparently, for contempt are very low. they are about $1,000 per contempt. so, you're going to face a situation where judge merchan may feel like he needs to -- he needs to think about imposing a sentence. but i don't think that's going to happen. it's a real -- it's really terrible this order, i believe, because i think it impinges on trump's core first amendment rights to comment about the case. no, he can't intimidate a juror. he can't do anything to do that or intimidate a witness.
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but the idea that michael cohen can be out there talking about the case on tv and that former president trump can't comment on it with his liberty at stake to me is a classic first amendment problem. >> laura: yeah. where is the aclu? are they saying anything about this? sol and mike, thank you both. all right. the big question now is what should trump be doing as he moves forward and he challenges that he should preserve as, perhaps, in the future he will appeal various rulings, if that's even possible. joining me now is chris landau former scalia and thomas clerk. former ambassador to mexico. what's the best legal strategy here given what you've seen thus far? they have selected some of the jurors. they have five more to go. this is moving faster than a lot of people thought. >> yeah, laura, i would say this is a pretty target-rich environment in terms of potential issues for appellate review and reversal. you know, one of the crazy things about this is that
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basically alvin bragg, as mike davis just said, the soros funded d.a. in new york has inflated, you know, misdemeanor charges into felonies by saying that he's -- that these alleged misstatements were concealing another crime. well, that other crime is an alleged federal crime that none of the federal officials even in the biden administration justice department or the fec have sought to -- they have investigated but they haven't done anything. >> laura: just to re-set, it would be a campaign finance expenditure fraud that was trying to be concealed by the hush money payment. so, your point is that bragg has no authority to make rulings on or make arguments based on federal law since the feds have not charged the president or found guilt in the president on any of this. >> that seems like a pretty strong argument to me that alvin bragg, the new york local d.a. doesn't have the authority to enforce federal law. >> laura: how does he pursue that claim? >> well, typically, and this is
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one of the frustrating aspects of our legal system, you can't bring to an appellate court's attention problems that are occurring during the trial until the end of the trial. so, unless trump can get some kind of, you know, ruling that has an immediate here and now effect on him. for instance, a contempt sanction for violating the gag order, may allow him to appealed gag order. but, basically, you have to finish a trial in order to raise the appeal. >> laura: he won't have standing you, you think, in federal court perhaps before the end of this trial? >> correct. and maybe in federal court. maybe never because the normal appellate avenue for review from a new york trial court is to go to the new york appellate courts. >> laura: highest court. >> and you can preserve your federal issues in state courts. >> laura: so the due process argument here that the president cannot get a fair trial, given how this is conducted, with the underlying bias of the judge, the political connection, all of that, that goes to the 14th
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amendment claim of he can't get due process. on top of that is the first amendment issue that sol was talking about. this is an overbroad order that goes to the fundamental right of an individual to stand against a government trying to imprison him. i mean, that's just shocking for most americans to hear this. >> yeah. you are absolutely right. and mike and sol i think had it just right to say this gag order. in other words, you have to separate the gag order from the underlying issues in the prosecution. the gag order is a separate issue. it may be that trump will have an ability to appeal the gag order if there is an attempt to enforce it upon him during the course of, against him during the course of the trial. and, you know, again, you are 100 percent right this sun precedented as far as i'm aware to have a criminal defendant subject to a gag order, particularly when it's nonreciprocal. michael cohen can say whatever he wants and trump can't speak back. >> laura: cnn was reporting
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earlier that their sources have to be inside the trump camp were telling him expect lots of side bars and preservation of issues on appeal that they are going to preserve, preserve, preserve going forward in this trial. they think they have a very strong case on the underlying unfairness and, again, the over breadth gag order, making up a federal campaign finance violation as andy mccarthy says. not just trying to enforce federal campaign law. making it up. that's quite an accomplishment mr. bragg. good job. >> the legal system itself is on trial here as well as donald trump. >> laura: explain that to me quickly. >> the legal system is on trial in front of the whole world. first time in american history putting a former president and current candidate on trial during the nadal of the campaign season. and basically the judge is saying if you miss one day of trial, i'm going to hold you in contempt. can i put you in jail. >> laura: how do we not look like alike a tin pot dictatorsh.
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>> when i was ambassador of mexico if mexico were doing this to the leading opposition candidate, we would be sending notes to the government. >> laura: u.n. advisers. >> raising a rubbing cus. this is banana republic stuff at best, laura. >> laura: back in the years when we were clerking back in the 1990s, would you ever imagined clerking for justice scalia. i would love to see what he and justin thomas that this would be where we are in the united states of america. in your wildest dreams would have you ever thought that. >> crazy on so many levels this is happening at all. but then the fact it's happening before a judge who donated to biden, who, you know,. >> laura: his daughter is involved in campaign. >> who is not recusing himself? i mean, again, if you are going to do this the judge has to be purer than caesar's wife, beyond reproach. that's not the case. this is very sad for our country. it's very brazen. >> laura: yeah.
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donated to democrats. not to bidens. but clearly democrat connections. chris, this is look, they are playing for keeps and trump better be ready with everything they are coming at him. chris, thank you so much. the liberal media is pushing kind of a new narrative to kind of drag old joe across the finish line in november. we predicted it before. but, we're going to remind you of it, next. ♪ ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife.
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for months most of the election reporting did have trump biden both antidotally and in the polls. and even reported that it was impressive for someone being prosecuted and indicted. it seemed like every other minute. now, we're all supposed to believe that the old mum bler in chief is the new comeback kid. >> we're finally seeing trump tied to a courtroom day after day and what's the president doing? barn storming through a vital battleground state. trump has not been able to catch up. >> they're looking into the wind of joe biden now beating trump in the majority of the national polls. >> trend lines are all breaking joe biden's way. we'll be fine. >> dare we call it joementum? >> are they unsurvel?
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what's the truth here? the truth is all the major problems that voters cite in survey after survey caused by biden are pushing more voters away from biden. they are not getting solved. so the open border, the persistent inflation, they're not going to improve much between now and the election. no way. so no wonder party registration is shifting in the g.o.p.'s favor. now, since 2020, democrats advantage is shrinking, despite the fact that they have almost the entire media on their side. they have hollywood, the universities, big tech, a lot of the judges, and, of course, very important, most of the billionaires on their side. so here now to unpack all of this is chris bedford, senior editor at "the federalist" and matt towery trader of insider advantage. some polls are tightening which often happens the closer we get to an election. but biden as the comeback kid, really? >> ha ha ha. well, it was predictable.
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you could see the change in some of the polls about two weeks ago, three weeks ago after the state of the union when there was no bounce. then all of the sudden there seemed to be a miraculous move that no one can attribute to any one thing to causing. and it's been taking place -- let me just add. this i don't put other pollsters because we all have our good days and bad days. a lot of the polls i'm seeing are polls that rely on panels. panels and registered voters rather than likely voters. and the panels in particular are made up of people who are more focused on politics. in fact, a lot of these companies that do the panels say they even send a tablet to a home if they don't have internet connection -- i don't know who wouldn't or don't have access, so they can have that in front of them. if have you someone doing that more like the nielsen ratings than it is a random type of poll. i don't think that's being caught by folks. so we have people who are hyper political putting there ten cents in and it's called a random poll like we used to do
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and like we still do. >> laura: well, the excuses for someone who is so confident the come back kid. the excuses for the come back kid not to debate trump are starting to pile up. over at the atlantic david forum the networks want their show but to give the challenger trump equal status on a tv stage would be a dire normalization of his attempted coup. the constitution is not debatable. so, chris, you get the sense that the kind of never trumpers are setting up this process by urging biden to be on stage with somebody like trump they want everyone to think he is subhuman. >> david frum, i still can't believe he has a platform. >> laura: is he an old friend but we part ways on politics. >> he doesn't have a great track record of predicting either what's correct or right or in the future. but he does strike that perfect tone for the moralizing you are
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hearing from a lot of elites it would be irresponsible to let the americans to have a choice here. it would be irresponsible to let voters decide in these sorts of things. >> laura: yeah. so voters, matt, can't pick their candidate. so that's why a lot of them who call themselves civil lick terrence are fine with gag orders. they are fine with shutting down fighting over biden's minor bump in national polling. look at the states that really matter, trump is leading in nearly all of them. so, matt, it's a media blackout on battle ground state polling for the most part. why is that? >> well, in part because when you really get to the real battleground -- we don't know the full makeup of the ballot yet in some of these states. a lot of the states may have r.f.k. on the ballot. you may have someone else, for example on the ballot as well. when you have two or three different candidates and we run
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these various names out there, cornel west, for example, biden, that takes a lot out of biden. trump goes even higher up. now, no one wants to concentrate on that right now. i understand we don't have all these ballots fixed yet. but i have a feeling that we're ultimately going to see a lot of the media say should trump be convicted of this ridiculous trial. should he be convicted we will probably have overnight rush out saying trump loses 15% of his supporters. >> laura: i don't believe it. >> then try to create -- try to create. >> laura: i don't believe it? >> the story of saying what do the republicans do about their conviction? i wouldn't believe those polls either. i think that's what may be coming our way. i think that's what they think they are going to do. >> laura: i think that's right. chris and math. i gave you a short tonight chris. we will have you back soon. j-6ers still getting rounded up four years later. liberals don't bat an eye when anti-israel pro-hamas protesters wreak havoc against innocent
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americans across the nation. this is happening. my angle explains it, next. ♪ when you're having fun. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help,
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praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters.
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this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> laura: free speech for them. not for you. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: all right, america's left hates all things that americans have generally supported. like israel. [shouting] [bleep] death to america. death to israel. [shouting] [chanting] >> laura: so they intertwine israel, america, america it's all the same to them. let them all burn. now, let's imagine the reaction of the biden doj and fbi if thousands upon thousands of america first republican
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organized protests that shut down the major freeways and bridges in places like california, new york, chicago, disrupting air travel, car travel and shouting these hateful chants about let's say illegal aliens and biden himself? well, we know what would happen to them. there would be a big press conference, probably called by some slick doj prosecutor. he would announce his task force and the nationwide manhunt for the offenders. >> literally days after this event happened we have already opened 170 -- more than 170 subject files, meaning these individuals have been identified as potential persons that committed crimes on the capitol grounds. just the gamut of cases and criminal conduct we're looking at is really mind blowing. the marching orders by federal law enforcement was to find, fix, and charge these individuals as fast as possible. >> laura: of course the media would lap it all up.
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they would nod in agreement as they did onto sherwin, talk about how hateful how vain the crowd was, veins bulging. possible ricco charges violation of civil rights. the absolute maximum punishment would be thrown at these protesters to put as many of those protesters in jail for as long as possible. that would be the goal. some might be held in solitary confinement for months. look, our system is set up to give raw discretion to our doj. it's supposed to be equal justice under the law. so, discretion isn't such a bad thing. but, in recent years, that principle has been shredded and we have seen investigations colored by politics. it's very dangerous. the discretion to charge generally only is used in one direction now. and that's against conservatives. from the way they went after the j-6ers to how they descended on
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people like roger stone, remember that? and what they're still doing to donald trump, speak about what you consider to be the corruption of the court and they will throw you in court or at least threaten it. that's a tactic that would make putin very proud. and the same analysis really applies to college campuses. conservative students protesting with the same tone and viciousness as the pro-hamas crowd would be expelled and blacklisted by every fortune 500 company in america. the fact is if you live or work in places where the liberal cult mindset dominates, then you have to say what they want you to say and you have to do what they want you to do or you're going to be punished. look at what that hissing cobra megan rapinoe did to that poor christian soccer player corbin albert. she merely reposted a sermon how transgenderrism is wrong. she was forced to apologize and
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then megan rapinoe, of course, took a bow. now, everyone needs to understand what we are all up against. this new inquisition is very-well funded and always seeking new targets. the democrat slush fund known as act blue with support from george soros and big support i might add anti-u.s. aid protesters the results there are a lot more shocking. today in brussels, the national conservatism conference was shut down by authorities. as nigel farage took the stage for his keynote, belgium police arrived outside. amir kier the mayor of the district where the event was being held said he had issued a shutdown order to, quote: guarantee public safety. he added the far right is not welcome in this city.
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now, just the anti-smythes. well a few true liberals came out against the shutdown but not many. we know in their heart of hearts the far left of today believes that certain people do not believe should not get free speech. msnbc, cnn, they're always reminding everyone that they are only going to take a trump event if the news of the day requires it. >> let me just tell our viewers so i don't startle them what we are doing. we have made a decision on this first day that if donald trump comes out and starts talking, we might want to listen to him for a little bit. we're going to do something. we're going to do it together. i promise we are going to come out of this. if he starts lying or threatening people. >> laura: others are urging that biden not debate trump at all as we just said with that quote from the atlantic magazine, especially bad because they are essentially saying that he is subhuman, he's evil, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like a real candidate. talk about election interference.
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now, freedom of speech still exists for the left but not so much for the rest of you. in fact, i think most sensible people when you talk to them about these issues, if they have a traditional set of beliefs or slightly traditional set of beliefs, even, they just get used to self-censoring. they watch what they say all the time. it's the only way to avoid having their kids shunned at school or maybe even losing their jobs. look at what happened to that poor senior editor at the taxpayer supported npr? after blowing the whistle on the pro-democrat bias, among what is overwhelmingly a liberal executive workforce staff there, his bosses suspended him. how is that for all things considered? we're not dealing with the old liberals anymore. get used to this. they used to relish debated. they were proud to be free speech absolutists. today, the landscape is filled with landmines. and those land mines are planted by ruthless, anti-free speech
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radicals. say the wrong thing, associate with the wrong people, be in the wrong place and, yeah, they want you blown up. it's time to expose them as the sniveling cowards and wannabe tyrants that they are. it is time for all of us, each and every one of us to be fearless and that's the angle. >> laura: joining me now is arkansas senator tom cotton. senator, great to see you tonight. it was pretty pathetic yesterday that protesters were cementing themselves. we are looking at video now, into barrels and pipes so they couldn't be removed. watch. >> ow, ow,. >> let go of the bar. >> stop! >> let go of the bar. >> remy hands. >> stop, you're headquartering me. >> let go of the bar. >> take him out. you got the arm? >> yep. >> okay.
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senator, this is just one of the absurd videos, you have been criticized for saying people should take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way. do you stand by that tonight? >> of course i do laura. i mean, what do you expect people to do when they got to get to work. they got to pick up a kid. maybe they are trying to take care of an ailing parent, heaven forbid they are trying to get a loved one to the hospital. all of these pro-hamas lunatics can, i don't know, get a permit and protest in the park and wave around little hamas flags if they want to make fools of themselves. they have no trite block traffic on major highways and city streets when other people are trying to go about their business. and, yes, what the police should do is get there promptly and arrest these people and throw the book at them if they're allowed to by their often left wing democratic mayors. in the meantime these lunatics shouldn't be surprised if their fellow motorists get out and
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remove them from the road farcably if they go about their business. they have no right to be blocking public streets. >> laura: fox news hillary vaughn pressed dems about these types of protests watch. this anti-israel protesters shut down bridges and blocked airports are you okay with that. >> are they anti-israel or palestinian rights. >> anti-israel protesters blocking the brooklyn bridge, burning the american flag and chanting death to america. do you support that type of protest? >> congresswoman? do you condemn this type of rhetoric? >> we got to goat to the next event. >> the fassest katie porter has ever moved. why are they all so silent, senator? >> well, laura, they are silent because, as you said, this isn't just left wing protesters. this is the entire machinery of the democratic party that protects these radical idealogues. >> laura: this is who they are, is it not? >> yeah. >> laura: this is the democrat party. >> democratic fundraising
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machine is raising money to pay for bail for these lunatics. just like kamala harris raise money to pay for the bail for the blm rioters in the summer of 2020. this is the democratic party machinery supporting these radical idealogues. and, of course, they are sympathetic to the causes that they are advocating as well. so they are not really sympathetic to people trying to catch a flight at o'hare to go visit a parent or see a kid's graduation or to a mom got to get her kid to the doctor's office for school in the morning. they're sympathetic to all these anti-pro-hamas protesters and therefore they don't want to take a position on what they're doing to violate the law. >> laura: just really quickly, if these people were protesting the open border and had shut down these major arteries going into airports, don't you think merrick garland would be announcing massive ricco charges, huge task force. they would do another j-6 on
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this. would they not? >> yeah. it would be swat teams come in. just like you saw at the supreme court today, laura, where the feds stretched the law to round up hundreds of january 6th defendants, stretching it beyond its plain meaning to include two counts against donald trump. that's what they do when it's conservatives undertaking such activities. >> laura: unbelievable. senator cotton, thank you so much. only in biden's america the newcomers marched for more free stuff. what they want, next. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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♪ >> today we are having a hearing censoring the experiences of black immigrants in new york city. and if you are not overwhelmed by the beautiful black faces that are presented here today and surrounding city hall, something is profoundly wrong with you. >> laura: now, hundreds of illegals gathered outside of city hall today ahead of a new york city council hearing on what's called the black migrant experience. now, the goal presumably was to better understand how the city is addressing language access barriers, cultural competency challenges, health needs and other road blocks.
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that's the so-called newcomers face. >> i am surrounded right now by hundreds of illegal immigrants from new guinea and also from haiti. all right? so majority single men from africa. we have been told as american citizens that all of these penal are coming into our country because they are seeking asylum but every single migrant that i have spoken to today has talked about how they are here simply to work. >> laura: joining me now savanna hernandez, front lines reporter for turning point u.s.a. savanna, well, these are economic migrants. this is not -- these are neff refugees and we all know that. that's just ludicrous. what else did you find? >> well, laura, i went and i spoke to a lot of these people, as well as i could. many of them speaking french. but what i found is that they were here to plead with the city for more resources. you know, the same thing that we find every single time when we come to new york, more migrants, more people asking for handouts. i was at one of the local ngos
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and one of the most jaw dropping things i discovered this trip not only are thee they givings these migrants free tickets throughout the entire united states, but also around the world. because that is how desperate new york is getting to get these migrants out of their city. but, because it is such a nice set-up here, right, with the sanctuary city, free hotels, free food, free day care, free medical care, they want to stay here. >> laura: wow, well, some of the illegals didn't appreciate you one bit, savannah, watch. >> >> i'm sorry but this is the united states. we have a first amendment here. we are allowed to actually film. okay. you don't get to tell me what i can and cannot film. you are out here in public today so welcome to the united states of america here. where are you guys from? where are you from? where are you from? no? nobody wants to talk to me about where you guys are from? >> laura: savannah were you ever
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afraid there in that group or just people were kind of annoyed and irritated? >> absolutely, laura. there was no -- there was a huge language barrier here. these are all single adult men that are convening, again, ace walked into city hall today or i guess the area in front of it, there were thousands of single men here. i think i saw maybe in total 10 to 20 women in the crowd. it's majority men and they are all here to take the resources of new york city. it seems extremely unsafe. i talked to a lot of new yorkers as well who are extremely upset about the situation. there was even a grandmother who was outside of this ngo who told me off the record she was like i'm in mourning right now. please do not record me. an illegal immigrant just killed my granddaughter. i'm extremely upset about this situation. and then, you know, a couple minutes later i have a russian immigrant ngo singing how he is getting a free trip to chicago. >> laura: yeah. this is all paid for by the way by the u.s. tax dollars because
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those ngos are getting federal tax dollars to resettle and tend to the needs of the migrants. forget the people in new york have to deal with the filthy subways and the crime and so forth. you definitely have to tend to the folks from all parts of the globe. savannah, glad you are okay. got a little hot there. glad the fliers were out there advertising free travel accommodations to the migrants to any des continue nations. we have those fliers as well. savannah, thank you for being out there. the media tries to give biden the makeover. liberals have a new disturbing dating friend -- trend not friend. jimmy failla is next. to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time.
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>> laura: now it is time for deley tf. joining me now is the host of fox news saturday night all right jim, we have seen the media swing and miss when they tried to hide or downplay bidens
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declined. like when they tried to make his orthopedic sneakers look cool. >> these are called the transport and they are quite comfortable, they have a lined soul, note out great for stability and the president does have a history of stumbling. >> laura: and now the new york times presents the biden guide to dressing younger. i kid you not, biden gives offhand master classes on the wardrobe tricks that distract from the inevitable predations of time. if there is anything that distinguishes the time of a man -- occupying an oval office, it is all but intercepted blake how he has learned to address in a manner that seems simultaneously approachable and commanding, dignified yet not remote, venerable get vigourous and remarkably fashion savvy. jimmy, take it away. >> first of all, the idea that they are allowing this man to dress himself at this point, that is adorable. they don't even let him pick out his own diapers, give me a
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break. but it had to hurt this reporter to engage in this level of propaganda. he had to have cried in the shower after writing this. because he tried to make the case that biden is like some young hip fashionista. he is not looking like giorgio armani, he looks like he graduated with george washington. the guys in his late one hundreds, stop. >> jimmy, the times is really hitting it out of the park because it also had a piece and i thought this was a joke, a massive polyamory group, which is now called a poly q. will. members of the group described it as a complex kinship network, just a little kinkier and it reflects radical queer values, are poly q. will is large, 20 or more people in their mid-twenties to mid-forties, they are self identified males who identify as header row flexible, heterosexual,
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bisexual, there's a nine binary person and a partridge in a pear tree. every woman identifies his queer, a lot of people are married and have primary partnerships. jimmy, this is what apparently -- this is the america that the new york times celebrates. this is the one they've been waiting for. >> it is amazing how they come up with terminology to reconfigure behavior. these are people who are sleeping around, that's what this is. where i live in new york you can call someone a pervert anymore, you have to call them something else. >> yes, you can. >> but basically that's what this is is people sleeping around. >> it's an orgy! >> that's what i mean. >> it sounds mathematical. >> it is someone who is in a relationship but still wants to catch an std. congratulations. >> it is a polynomial with something else. [ laughter ] jimmy, finally gen z has a new
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way of preventing wrinkles. >> it's supposed to help you not get wrinkles. it looks really ought while it. but i mean, were looking youthful, nothing says i'm going to be youthful forever like diet coke out of an antiwrinkle straw. >> i hate to stanley so much, i hit the sound they make, i hate people carrying them. drink it at home, i don't want to see your stanley. >> that is the whole look of this is that they have a word for people who use these, these are called idiots. and the way you avoid wrinkles is because if you are drinking one of these, no one is inviting you outside the house to hang out, that's it. there is no son. >> jimmy hits the stanley, thank you jimmy, great to see you. remember it is jessie next, follow me on social media, a fun video before the show tonight, check it out. >> jesse: welcome to


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